- Regret is a wasted emotion, it is not possible to change what has happened nor to wish it away. Why would you want to take back something that made you happy in the first place?
- One should put less stock in what others are thinking of them; the labels, the rumors, the gossip and the cliques of life....they are all short lived and you should let yourself do what makes you happy.
- Make sure your work means something to you, I for one always want to see my work helping others and working towards a cause.
- People come and go in your life for multitudes of reasons, be grateful and don't ever let your friends forget you love them.
- If you find someone in your life that you are in pain without make sure they know your feelings, one day someone else will have told them.
- Do what you love, if that be working in a coffee shop or obtaining your doctorate, the world is really in your hands.
- No matter what differences you had growing up, your younger siblings will be there for you when you need a shoulder to cry on. My little brother is the best person in the world.
- Sometimes revisiting your childhood is good for the soul. If you loved barbies break them out, if you zoomed around with hotwheels zoom around the track again.
- Your grandparents will not be around forever, take time to sit down and learn their stories. You'd be surprised what you will hear.
- People will surprise you everyday of your life, this can be good or bad.
- Roll with the punches per say.
- You'll have many heartbreaks in your life. Learn something from each and everyone of those people.
- Read the classics; nothing will ever replace a well written book.
- Take a drive, get lost and learn how to get yourself back.
- Dogs make the best companions, no matter what mood you're in they just want to sit on your lap.
- Hate takes more out of the person holding it than the person it is directed towards.
- You can spend your whole life either wishing to be somewhere else or to go back in time. Learn to live more in the present.
- Smile at every person you pass, you might just be the only person to have done so.
- Dream big.
- Write letters to people telling them all the things you wish you said, just to put it on paper, but don't send them.
- Keep a journal. Write any words that come to your mind.
- Carry a camera with you always, you never know what you might come across.
- Start a conversation with a stranger.
23rd Birthday! |
And these my readers are some of the things I have learned over the course of my life. I'm still young so I know these are bound to change and reshape themselves. I also have no doubt I will add onto them. Hope someone can take some of these and tweak them to make it their own.